Mind-Body-Spirit connections: a preview

mind-body-spirit - when sex hurts there is hopeAs I walk through my healing journey I have found that I never stop learning and discovering. In recent years, much of my learning has been around the idea of a mind-body-spirit connection.  I am learning that I am mind, body, and spirit (or soul) and each is distinct yet entirely one at the same time.  All three aspects of myself can connect and communicate uniquely with each other.

This concept has been more than a little difficult to understand as I am a very logical, mind-based individual.  But, as I am opening up to these ideas I find that I am healing on new levels.  Continue reading

Yoga for pelvic health retreat

yoga for pelvic health - when sex hurts there is hopeA few months ago I had the opportunity to join a yoga for pelvic health workshop put on by Casie Danenhauer, PT, DPT and CYT, and it was amazing!  Now Casie is teaming up with another pelvic floor physical therapist and yogi, Dustienne Miller, CYT, PT, MS, WCS, to put on a yoga for pelvic health retreat!  I am really excited about this because I received such a benefit from the 2-hour workshop, but the value from a full weekend will be exponential.

Casie is sharing a series of interviews from women who participated in the retreat last year.  One retreater, Jennie, shared this about the retreat: “It gave me time and inspiration to reflect on my inner desires and what my heart truly wanted. It also gave me the courage to overcome any fears blocking my path.”  You can read more interviews on Casie’s blog and also reach out to her directly for more details through her website, CasieDPT.com.

Here are some of the important details about the retreat…

There are two retreats planned—one on each coast:

  • May 26-28, 2017 outside of San Luis Obispo, CA at Sagrada Wellness Center
  • October 27-29, 2017 outside of Boston, MA at Spirit Fire Wellness Center

Retreat costs at the Sagrada Wellness Center include all meals, full access to the yoga room, pool, jacuzzi, walking trails, and all retreat programming.

  • Pricing ranges $695-795, depending on your room choice

For more information on the retreat at the Spirit Fire Wellness Center you can email Casie at info@casiedpt.com or contact her through her website.

I hear that the spots are filling up fast, so definitely check this out very soon!  I hope to see you there!

yoga for pelvic health - when sex hurts there is hope

Truth about Christmas

Christmastime is full of a lot of happiness and good tidings, but it can also be stressful and add to the difficulties we face with pelvic pain. I think a lot of the stress is because we have distorted what Christmas is really all about.  If we are honest, the underlying motivation to most of the shopping, decorating and other busyness is the opinions of others.  truth about Christmas - when sex hurts there is hopeWe want to impress, and we certainly don’t want to disappoint. Think about it this way.  If you took away all of the thoughts and opinions of others around you—friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors—how much less would you do this season?  Would you put up fewer Christmas lights, spend less on gifts, or skip a few holiday parties?  And would you spend more time on things that you enjoy, even if others think you are strange for enjoying them?

I recently came across a beautiful article on PropelWomen.org that struck a personal chord.  It brought up a very real and personal struggle of mine, but it also brought me back to a precious truth about Christmas.  A truth that gets so easily overlooked in the hustle and bustle of this season.  I certainly know the Christmas story—Mary, Joseph and the baby in a manger—but I don’t often stop to consider the deeper meaning within the humble beginnings of Jesus’ life on earth.  Here is an excerpt from that article:

We don’t want to be different, you and I. We work hard to hide our inadequacies, cover our disabilities, minimize our poverties. We want to display strength, beauty and talents. Not weaknesses, insufficiencies and lack. And so we hide the humble parts of ourselves and do our best to present only those things that make us proud. Continue reading

Yoga for pelvic health

This month I had the opportunity to join a yoga workshop specially designed for pelvic health!  The workshop was put on by Casie Danenhauer, DPT at Sarton Physical Therapy in Orange County (quick shout out to my favorite pelvic floor physical therapist, Julie Sarton!)

This yoga for pelvic health workshop was full of great information, including an overview of
basic pelvic anatomy (complete with a musculoskeletal model of the pelvic floor).  And not yoga for pelvic health - when sex hurts there is hopeonly did we spend time in actual yoga practice, we received specific instruction on various poses that are good for pelvic health.  Casie walked us through the details of how to do these poses correctly, and considering pelvic floor conditions such as hypertonic pelvic floor muscles (like me!) and hypotonic pelvic floor muscles (where the muscles are too weak).  Continue reading

My V Matters is Lube-a-licious

I want to share a recent interview from my favorite fellow pelvic pain blogger, Faith Cornwall, and her newly renamed website, My V Matters.* Faith is a V pain warrior. She has amassed a ton of information throughout her own healing journey and is committed to the cause of support and sisterhood of women with V pain. If there is ever a V pain protest march on the Whitehouse lawn, Faith would be leading the charge with a pink bullhorn and matching My V Matters picket sign (that’s a good idea…let’s plan it!). In the meantime Faith is spreading awareness, knowledge, and encouragement through her blog. I can’t help but be inspired by her, and I can’t get enough of her blog which brings me to her Lube-a-licious Interview with Sarah Mueller of Smitten Kitten.

My V Matters - when sex hurts there is hopeIf you struggle with painful sex you absolutely have to listen to this interview. If you deal with pelvic pain and use tools such as dilators or see a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist to treat your pain you have to listen to this interview. If you don’t have any pelvic or sexual pain issues you have to listen to this interview. Basically, everyone should listen to this interview! Sarah Mueller shares so much important information about personal lubricants that you never knew, no one ever told you, but you need to know! Check out the interview on MyVMatters.com here.

And don’t let the length deter you—the time is completely worth it! I absolutely recommend you listen to the full interview, but here are some key points to focus in on. Continue reading

Interview with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist Dr. Julie Sarton (Part 2)

My interview with pelvic floor physical therapist Dr. Julie Sarton, PT, DPT, WCS, was filled with so much great information, I couldn’t fit it all into one post.  Here is part 2!

4. What could someone dealing with painful sex gain from seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist like yourself?

I think that we are just touching the tip of the iceberg in terms of people who suffer from painful sex.  It’s an intimate condition, and is underdiagnosed—some studies suggest that as many as 40% of women suffer from painful intercourse! When we look at sexual pain there are multiple potential causes, but the musculoskeletal system is one of them that I think is routinely missed.  I would guess maybe less than 10-20% of physicians (OBGYNs) out there, during the time of the annual exam, ask patients about their sexual life and screen for potential pain.  If the musculoskeletal system is found as a driver, a pelvic floor physical therapist is critical in helping that patient achieve a pain free state.

We become one of the primary care practitioners that help. I think it’s important to remember that almost any problem, whether it’s pelvic pain or sexual pain, usually requires multi-modal therapies.  So we are one piece of it, rarely working in isolation. You need a village—a team.  We need to be working hand in hand with a physician that can help with the medical management, a good psychologist or sex therapist that can deal with the psychological elements that come, and some people need a pain management doctor, or a guided imagery therapist (like we’ve recently integrated), acupuncturist, etc. There is a different team for different patients, but I would say that the physical therapist for many patients becomes one of the mainstays.

5. What should a new patient expect at their first physical therapy session?

The first session—the evaluation—is always going to be the longest.  It’s always going to start with an extensive time period to go through the patient’s history.  So many of the patients have been bounced from doctor to doctor and never truly been heard.  So our goal with that first visit is to hear the entire story.  We want not only for them to be heard, but we need to pull all those pieces out from the past that have set the stage and connect the dots to come up with why they’re presenting the way they do.  The next piece is the anatomy and we thoroughly explain to the patient because it can be scary and intimidating, so we go through the anatomy with a 3-dimensional model, thoroughly explaining—this is where the pelvic floor is, these are where the muscles go, this is the interview with pelvic floor physical therapist Dr. Julie Sarton- when sex hurts there is hopenerve innervation, these are the functions—so the patient is comfortable with the exam.

At that point we exit and the patient will get undressed and underneath a sheet.  But we start externally because you can’t look at the pelvic floor in isolation. We start with the patient’s posture, looking at the pelvic alignment, the external muscles, and the tendons and ligaments. Continue reading

The power of your perspective

power of your perspective - when sex hurts there is hopeHave you recognized the power of your perspective? Do you realize the difference that your outlook on life or your perception of a particular situation can make? I have heard this concept discussed many times, and I have believed it on a general level for most of my life. But, it hasn’t been until more recently that I’ve begun to realize just how powerful our perspective can be.

Let me share a very recent example of my own experience of perspective. I have been feeling very overwhelmed these past few weeks, inundated with life stuff, both good and bad. I feel exhausted, wondering why I always seem to end up in the middle of everything, and just wanting a nice long break. Without even realizing it, I have let negative thoughts take over my mind. And not necessarily the obviously negative self-criticism or ‘doom and gloom’ thoughts, just generally negative. Concerns about a friend’s difficult situation and what specific steps she needs to take to get back on track, if only she could see it. Worries about this year’s goals at work and how big and overwhelming they seem. So many constant thoughts that are unconstructive and discouraging, filling my mind so there is no room left for the positive. No wonder I have been feeling so tired and overwhelmed!

Once I realized what I had been doing, I was able to make a conscious effort to flip those negative thoughts through a positive perspective. Continue reading